iSy® Surgery
Two concepts for efficient treatment procedures
The iSy® Implant System showcases its features in a number of situations. Designed for maximum efficiency, it covers a broad range of indications. iSy Implants are slightly conical, self-tapping screw implants. They enable easy insertion through self-centering and achieve solid primary stability, while the proven Promote® surface ensures rapid osseointegration and long-term stable bone apposition.
The surgical procedure for the iSy Implant System is highly efficient with its lean drilling protocol and single patient form drill. The new, snap-in insertion post now also simplifies submerged healing. This makes iSy the ideal second system - regardless of the user's preference regarding the healing method.
iSy Implant with pre-mounted implant base
For transgingival healing, iSy is easy to use and time-saving as iSy comes with everything you need. Next to the implants with pre-mounted implant base, the sets contain a single-patient form drill, a healing cap, and multifunctional caps. Both the healing cap as well as the multifunctional cap and the temporary restoration are clicked into place directly onto the implant base in a rotation-proof manner. Snap-on instead of screw-mounting – time saved in the treatment procedure.
New: iSy Implant, snap-in, with snap-in insertion post
Submerged healing is indispensable in some clinical situations. With a snap-in insertion post, a titanium cover screw and a single-patient form drill in one package, iSy remains true to its concept for submerged healing in terms of efficiency. Thanks to the snap-in insertion post, there is also no need to loosen a screw following implant insertion.
iSy Surgical Set
The clearly structured iSy Surgical Set provides room for the most important instruments for inserting iSy Implants and for prosthetic restoration.

Healing caps for the iSy Implant System

The iSy Esthomic® Healing Caps sit on the machined implant shoulder but do not cover it completely. As a result, the soft tissue over the shoulder can be adapted. The healing caps are available in three diameters (S, M, L) and three gingival heights, and are screwed directly into the implant.