
Striate+™, Mem-Lok® Pliable, Argonaut®, Mem-Lok™ RCM, and PermaPro®

Striate+, Mem-Lok Pliable, Argonaut, Mem-Lok RCM, and PermaPro are effective barrier membranes which prevent the ingrowth of soft tissue and allow the formation of new bone. Striate+ is a collagen membrane made from porcine tissue. It is fully resorbed after approximately 26 weeks. Among other things, Striate+ is characterized by high tensile strength and tear resistance as well as adaptability during handling.

The resorbable Mem-Lok RCM collagen membrane of bovine origin, is made from highly purified collagen fibers of type I to ensure a longer resorption time of up to 38 weeks. Mem-Lok Pliable is a conformable collagen membrane made from highly purified porcine tissue with a high tear strength. The resorption time for Mem-Lok Pliable is 12 to 16 weeks. All membranes are offered in three different sizes (15 × 20; 20 × 30 and 30 × 40 mm).

Argonaut, a barrier membrane of porcine origin, and the synthetic PermaPro membrane are intended for use in oral surgery, e.g. in augmentation procedures in the area of extraction sockets for both immediate as well as delayed implantation.

Striate+™ –
Porcine collagen membrane

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Mem-Lok™ RCM –
Bovine collagen membrane

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Mem-Lok® Pliable –
Porcine collagen membrane

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Synthetic PTFE membrane

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Porcine collagen membrane

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BioHorizons™ Biomaterials
Product Catalog

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